My Chronic Heel Pain is Gone

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As a believer I always understood that Jesus can heal, but I doubted I can be healed by simply asking HIM to heal me and then having the Faith that it will be done! I believed that it could only happen through a great servant of God like one of the big and famous Church Ministers.

I have been suffering from Heel Spurs (Plantar Fasciitis) for some time due to excessive jogging. The Sports and Injury Clinic recommended that I have ESWT treatment (Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy) in mid 2006. The treatment was very painful and is also very costly of course but with the belief that this will heal my pain I proceeded. Unfortunately the pain returned after only 7 months and so i went for a second ESWT treatment and this time, the pain was even more incredible!!! 3 months later my heel pain returned and to make matters worse my other heel had developed a similar problem.
At the recent Glory Zone meetings I learned that to have Faith is to Trust and as I prayed for my miracle and then stepped out in the Faith that it had been received I was amazed to notice that all the pain in my feet had disappeared !!! I was cured and even a week later I feel no pain at all!
I was reminded of MEANINGFUL FAITH and as Jesus said to Thomas in John 20: 27 “Put your finger here ; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe”

By: Rimanuella F. Miles

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